
4 Practical intermittent fasting tips to help you plan your meals

Limiting your meal times to achieve a health boost is a safe and well-liked practice known as intermittent fasting. The fact that what you eat is just as significant as when you consume it- is the most crucial advice to keep in mind when following this discipline. The advantages of this diet can be more fully unlocked by selecting healthy and nutrient-dense foods. After all, your evolutionary physiology will match the feeding patterns that people have evolved to thrive on if you follow a diet that emphasises whole animal foods. Take a look at some tips that may serve you well.

Healthy fats in cheese

1. Add some good fats

You can easily increase your calorie intake by adding 1-4 teaspoons of healthy fats. Your body will be better fuelled for the night and will sleep better if you include more fat in the final meal of the day. It doesn’t take much to have a significant caloric impact because fats carry about twice as many calories per gramme as carbohydrates and protein do. Coconut oil contains medium-chain fatty acids that can help the body enter a state of ketosis, which allows it to burn fat for energy when it is fasting. In fact, you can include these healthy fats in your intermittent fasting plan- Cocoa Butter, Ghee, Butter, Cheese, Whole Milk Yogurt, the miracle fruit Avocado and Avocado Oil.

2. Make a weekly meal chart

It can be tempting to break a fast with snacks and junk food when you haven’t eaten in a while. After all, the most addictive foods are those that are high in both processed fats and sweets, so this makes sense. By organising your meals in advance, you give yourself an option that is obvious and lessen the need to make decisions when your blood sugar is already low. For the uninitiated, it would interest you to know that low blood sugar has been linked to “decision fatigue,” which increases the likelihood of reverting to comfortable and even addictive choices. This can result in a diet-related addiction to carbohydrates which you can easily avoid.

3. Food prep is the key

Preparing your meals ahead of time can be the secret to long-term success with intermittent fasting. By planning your meals ahead of time, you may avoid the choice fatigue that can lead to unhealthy eating binges and guarantee that you’ll be getting the nutrients you need to flourish. So, chop those veggies, load up the cheese and pack your tiffin bento box style for the next few days!

Include the avocado

4. Keep hydrated

People frequently mix up not eating and not drinking. While intermittent fasting involves limiting calories for a portion of each day, it also calls for consuming lots of non-caloric liquids. Black coffee, herbal teas, and water are all suitable options for beverages to consume while fasting intermittently.

A potent synergy of mind-body health and wellbeing can be produced by adding deliberate activity, meditation, and healthy behaviours to your intermittent fasting routine!

Also Read: Here’s how the vitamin combination in green pumpkin seeds benefits your body

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Written by indialevel

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